Author: michael

It seems the closer it gets to election time, the more leftists attempt to create a brand new illness to try and usher in lockdowns 2.0. They’ve tried it with new strains of COVID, but it seems the vast majority of Americans aren’t taking the bait a second time. You know, “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me,” and all that. That hasn’t stopped them from trying to utilize the strategy though. And it looks like they might be making some headway thanks to the hype building up around bird flu. A brand new report…

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Former President Donald Trump, who is now officially the GOP’s 2024 presidential nominee, stated on Thursday that the slew of anti-Israeli protesters who were burning American flags in our nation’s capital on Wednesday should all be given a year in prison. I mean, when you think about it, isn’t that the way the left treated folks allegedly involved in the “riot” on January 6, 2021 at the Capitol building? I believe this is a reiteration of what’s known as the “Golden Rule.” Treat others as you yourself want to be treated. If you don’t want to be both persecuted and…

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It probably should go without saying, but there’s no reason on earth that Vice President Kamala Harris should be the president of this country. First off, as former President Donald Trump has so eloquently stated, Harris is “dumb as a rock.” There’s plenty of proof to support this conclusion online. Any of her public speeches will provide you more than enough evidence that we should have minimum IQ standards for public officials. Second, Harris was given the singular task of fixing the border crisis. She failed. Miserably. Most likely because of both incompetence and a lack of caring about the…

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Kyle Carrozza, a creator who made a variety of series for Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and Disney, has been arrested by law enforcement officers and charged with possessing child porn. This sicko came up with the “Mighty Magiswords” series that aired on Cartoon Network, along with many other shows. Why is this such a common thing these days? There are so many producers, content creators, and directors in Hollywood working on children’s programming that are twisted perverts that victimize young people for their own sexual pleasure. Has it always been like this? Much evidence suggests so. I think it’s safe to…

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We all know that the vast majority of celebrities in Hollywood are deplorable leftists who are suffering from severe cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome, but the one that’s infected the mind of actress Rosie O’Donnell has gone full mentally terminal. Meaning she’s letting her irrational hatred of former President Donald Trump reach such an unhealthy level it’s going to leave her figuratively brain dead. On Saturday, O’Donnell shared a video just a day before President Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race as the Democratic Party nomination, where she predicted that when November rolls around, Americans will know by…

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West Virginia independent Sen. Joe Manchin made an appearance on “CBS Mornings” on Monday where he made it clear that, as of now, he has no plans to run for president. The announcement comes after President Joe Biden revealed on Sunday that he would be dropping out of the presidential race, leaving the Democratic Party nomination open for a new candidate. “I am not going to be a candidate for president,” Manchin went on to say during the interview. “I am a candidate for basically speaking to the middle of this country.” Here’s more from CBS News: Manchin called for…

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Former President Donald Trump brought the Republican Party Convention to a close last night with what might be the best speech he’s ever delivered in front of a live audience. To be honest, I don’t know if you can call it a “speech.” It was more like a conversation. Trump spoke openly about the assassination attempt made on his life almost a week ago. His tone was more unifying and he seemed far more humble than we’re used to seeing. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t still tough on the issues though. Trump still told the truth and discussed the issues…

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I never, ever thought that I would agree with anything that would roll out of the mouth of CNN commentator and radical leftist Van Jones. And yet, his recent statements about Biden being unfit for a second term in the White House and about Trump and the Republican Party have been right on the money. It almost pains me to say it. It really does. Keep in mind, we’re talking about a former Obama administration staffer here who has been a political analyst for CNN for quite some time now. This isn’t a person who is know for being a…

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A foreign policy specialist who used to work for the Central Intelligence Agency and the White House National Security Counsel has now been indicted on charges of working as an unregistered agent of South Korea’s government in exchange for luxuries and other gifts. Man, you can’t trust anyone these days, can you? I just want to know how in the world so many bad actors are managing to slip through the cracks in our system right now? The specialist in question, Sue Mi Terry, advocated South Korean policy positions while she was working for the agencies named above, and also…

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A private phone call between former President Donald Trump — who survived an assassination attempt over the weekend, receiving a bullet wound to the ear, yet still showed up to the Republican National Convention like a freaking bada** — and independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. During the phone conversation, Kennedy admitted that Trump is stomping a mud hole in President Joe Biden’s backside and that he would most certainly win in November. So how did this private conversation get leaked? It seems the blame falls on one Mr. Robert F. Kennedy III, RFK Jr.’s son, who inadvertently posted…

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While the Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old would-be assassin who tried to murder former President Donald Trump during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday evening was shot dead by police snipers, there are a million and one questions we need answered. However, conservative podcast host Glenn Beck has stated there are at least two we need to have answers for right now. According to TheBlaze, Beck — and the rest of America — want to know how Crooks was able to sneakily gain access to a highly secured area without somehow alerting the Secret Service, all while supporters in…

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Comedian and host of “Real Talk” on HBO, Bill Maher, totally roasted President Joe Biden following the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump on Saturday evening during a political rally in Pennsylvania. Maher stated that he believes after Trump not only survived the shooting, but got up and threw his fist in the air, the election is now all but over. And I agree. Trump will, almost without a single doubt, become the next commander-in-chief. Maher, during a stand-up show that took place just a few hours after a gunman opened fire on the former president during a rally…

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Former President Donald Trump threw a proverbial haymaker at President Joe Biden after he made the gaffe of the decade during his “Big Boy” press conference that was held with the goal in mind of easing the tension and anxiety of the Democratic Party who now believe that he should exit the 2024 election due to obvious cognitive decline. Let’s just say things backfired in a big, big way. During the press conference, Biden mistakenly called Trump his vice president. Yes, you read that correctly. He referred to the man whom he loathes with the intensity of a thousand suns…

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With so much unrest on the global stage right now as two major conflicts rage on, one between Ukraine and Russia, the other Israel and Hamas (Palestine), many folks are concerned that we’re on the brink of a third world war, only this one carries the ominous undertones of a potential apocalyptic situation enfolding the whole planet. Not a lot of folks expected World War I to begin, but it did. There weren’t very many who thought that there would be another global conflict so quickly after the first one either. Yet World War II happened. Wars have, unfortunately, been…

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Archaeologists in the state of Wyoming have unearthed some super cool findings, which are the oldest Paleoindian artifacts to be discovered on the North American continent a new report published Sunday revealed. This kind of stuff has always been interesting to me, especially as a person who is fascinated with ancient history. Here’s more on what they dug up via The Daily Caller: A team working at the Powars II dig site near Sunrise, Wyoming, have reportedly uncovered artifacts dating back 14,000 years, predating one of the oldest known prehistoric American cultures, according to Cowboy State Daily. Despite repeated destruction…

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President Joe Biden and his lackeys have launched an all-out assault against a brand new bill that was designed to help strengthen the law that allows only those who are American citizens to take part in federal elections. Given his “open border” policies, does this really surprise anyone? Biden has allowed millions of individuals to just waltz into the country for the last three years. Why? For the votes. Duh. And his opposition to this legislation pretty much demonstrates that’s the case. Why attempt to run an upstanding campaign, believing in your platform, and truly having a heart to help…

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A brand new report from the folks over at The Daily Wire has revealed that an analysis of official transcripts from the White House shows that President Joe Biden’s speaking errors have doubled over the course of the last 12 months, leading up to the horrific performance he gave at the first — and probably last — presidential debate on June 27. It was an extremely hard event to watch. Seeing Biden clearly out of it during the vast majority of the debate almost made me feel sorry for the guy. What’s happening to him is elder abuse. Democrats should…

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During the very last broadcast that the legendary conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh made on Feb. 2, 2021, he heaped a ton of praise on Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, saying, “Have I mentioned lately how much I admire the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis? This guy has got what we call an iron-enforced spine.” Limbaugh then, with his classic wit and humor also added that DeSantis was “the closest that we’ve ever had to a graduate of the EIB Limbaugh Institute.” Was Limbaugh ultimately right about DeSantis? Well the proof is in the pudding, and if Florida were the gooey…

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The United States government has agreed to pay Moderna, a vaccine maker, a whopping $176 million in order to put the pedal to the metal on the development of a pandemic influenza vaccine that might be used to treat bird flu as more and more worry concerning the illness develops over cases of it found in dairy cows all over the nation, federal officials reported on Tuesday. Here we go again, ladies and gentlemen. They are really desperate to stop this election, aren’t they? Many pundits guessed that radicals would try and recreate the coronavirus pandemic conditions as a means…

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A couple of nuclear analysts have published an editorial featuring a warning that the longer the war between Russia and Ukraine is allowed to continue, along with the various provocations that are happening around the globe, the closer our world comes to, in their words, “flirting with nuclear disaster.” Well, it’s not like I had enough on my plate to worry about, right? You probably feel the same way. I don’t mean to add more concern to the mix, but all of this is unfolding while Joe Biden, the man who looked like a robot wearing a fake skin mask…

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Well, here we go again, ladies and gentlemen. We all knew there was going to be an attempt to try and reproduce what went down during the coronavirus pandemic in order to give radical leftists and opportunity to usurp more authority from the American people and put that power to uses oppressing  the populace under the guise of trying to build a utopian society. At first, it seemed as if the disease of choice by the loony left would be the bird flu, but there’s a good chance it’s going to be something a little different: Monkeypox. There’s a brand…

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In 2023, Chinese leader Xi Jinping sat down for a conversation with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, president of Ukraine, stating that “China always stands on the side of peace.” Yeah, I’m not so sure the rest of us are stupid enough to believe this statement, so it’s highly unlikely that Zelenskyy did either. And it has become apparent that Jinping’s words were as empty as the man’s soul because when an international summit sponsored by Switzerland met together to try and seek a peaceful resolution to Russia’s conflict with Ukraine, China was nowhere to be found. The absence of the country from…

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As if things on the global stage weren’t worrisome enough, a new partnership between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has come about as the result of a brand new agreement that was signed on Wednesday, which pledges mutual aid if either one of the countries should fall prey to “aggression,” as both of these nations are now in the midst of increasing tensions with nations in the West. And who do we, the leader of the free world, have at the helm of the ship of freedom, liberty, and justice? One of the most…

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Iran is once again up to no good, this time signaling that there’s a rather major expansion currently underway in their most heavily guarded nuclear facility which could ultimately triple the sites current production of enriched uranium — don’t you dare let loose with an “Uranus” joke — that would provide Tehran with several new options for putting together a nuclear arsenal with speed and precision should it choose to. The information for this came from several confidential documents which were then analyzed by weapons experts. A nation that routinely takes to the streets to shout “death to America” might…

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A piece of legislation from the state of Iowa was signed into law by GOP Gov. Kim Reynolds back in April of 2024 that allowed authorities to take illegal immigrants into official police custody — I hear in some places they call that an “arrest” — and boot them back to their countries of origin. Unfortunately, a liberal judge who is a ne’er do well, decided to block the law, saying it’s “unconstitutional.” Funny how the only time you hear some schmuck on the left ever talk about the Constitution in a positive light is when they have twisted it…

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Harry Enten, a senior political data reporter for one of the world’s least trustworthy news networks, CNN, was absolutely dumbfounded by the idea that former President Donald Trump is proving to be a very big hit with the young, black voters. Because, as you all know, blacks are only supposed to vote Democrat. If you have dark melanin, it’s assumed you will go with the flow, join the hive mind, and vote for the Democratic presidential candidate, no questions asked. If you don’t, well, you might not be black enough. This is actually how the radical left thinks, folks. Enten’s…

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It being an election year, and with all of the shenanigans that took place during the 2020 presidential race, many folks have speculated that we would end up conveniently facing another pandemic situation with a serious — and deadly — illness, and well, it certainly looks like we might be seeing a little something awful on the horizon. A brand new report from Bloomberg has revealed that fragments of what they refer to as a “potentially dangerous bird flu virus” has popped up in the wastewater of Austin, Texas. The virus showed up miles away from the closest dairy farm,…

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In case you haven’t had your daily dose of hilarious, allow me to provide you with a little something guaranteed to tickle your funny bone and perhaps lead to some much needed gut-busting laughter. Today’s medicine comes to you and I courtesy of Fulton County District Attorney, Fani Willis, who is rather p***ed off with folks mispronouncing her name, which is, according to her, “Fah’-nee” and not “Fanny.” According to The Daily Wire, Willis is claiming that “idiots” are purposefully saying her name wrong because, and I quote, “it reminds them of a woman’s rear.” You can’t make this stuff…

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Officials on Thursday revealed that NATO countries have not only accomplished their goal of placing 300,000 troops on “high-readiness” as the alliance continues to wrestle with a threat from Russia, but have “comfortably exceeded” it. This is getting spooky, folks. Could we really be headed for a third global conflict? It certainly seems possible, especially with President Joe Biden at the helm of our great nation.Talk about failed leadership. Biden is the poster boy for it. According to Barrons: NATO leaders agreed in the wake of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 to massively ramp up the number of forces…

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The city of San Francisco is about to be known for something else besides being a receptacle for human feces, though if we’re being honest, it’s barely an improvement. There is an empty office space crisis that is so massive that it could take almost 20 years to recover and get things back to where they were before the COVID pandemic hit, according to new data. Back in 2019, according to Yahoo, the vacancy rate in San Francisco was well under 10 percent. However, the restrictions that arose during the pandemic, coupled with increasing work-from-home trends, layoffs, and spikes in…

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