Author: michael

If you’ve ever wondered what an actual, real-life superhero looks like, you should turn off the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe flick — it’s probably a piece of woke garbage anyway — and look at this story about a football coach coming out of Jacksonville, Florida, who gave a masterclass in what it means to love others more than yourself. However, along with this lesson in true, genuine heroics, there is tragedy and darkness, too, because the shadows are always creeping along the edge of the light. According to TheBlaze, last weekend, a young football coach, who is either 20 or…

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While it’s no doubt a tough gig being the head honcho of a multibillion-dollar social media company, it seems that the new owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, is handling things with total professionalism, having settled into the new position fairly well. He’s doing so well, it seems, that he has some extra time to help with some fact-checking duties. According to the Conservative Brief, Rep. Adam “Shifty” Schiff decided to take a few big shots at Musk on Thursday, but the California Democrat was not ready for the response that was going to come back his way. Schiff made a…

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The House of Representatives just passed legislation that will authorize $858 billion in funding for our national defense, while also including a reversal of the U.S. military’s coronavirus vaccine mandate. This is good news for the armed forces. Part of the reason why they have not been able to meet recruitment figures is due to this mandate, along with the widespread wokeness that is infiltrating the various branches of service. Legislators approved the final version of the bill to repeal the mandate via the passage of the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, otherwise known as the annual defense bill. “The…

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Well, the midterm elections have come and gone, and Democrats have lost control of the House of Representatives, however, they did gain a few new folks, and as it turns out, their views might actually be further to the left than other members of the party who came before them. Terrifying thought, right? How can these individuals possibly be farther to the left than say, oh, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Sen. Bernie Sanders? Easy. By envisioning a “police free society” and abolishing all prisons. I mean, come on, people. Get with the program. What could possibly go wrong by allowing…

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The vast majority of conservatives were disappointed by the overall outcome of the recent midterm elections, despite cinching a narrow victory to take back control of the House of Representatives. We were all expecting a massive red wave, but that did not materialize, despite the horrific performance of President Joe Biden in the White House and many other Democrats at both the state and federal level. However, while we may not have won as many seats as we would have liked or gained control of the Senate, we did do something else that’s pretty cool. The Republican Party opened a…

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Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican from Maryland, has taken to the proverbial top rope and dropped a massive elbow down on social media platform TikTok, announcing a ban of the app from the state government’s devices on Tuesday. It’s nice to finally see some folks getting how much of a danger this application is to our national security, as well as the security of our states and so on. The ban on TikTok was included as part of an emergency cybersecurity directive that is aimed at several Chinese and Russian apps and products. “There may be no greater threat to…

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Violent left-wing radicals — yes, contrary to the propaganda coming out of the media, they do exist — were caught in the act of violently assaulting a group of women who gathered outside of a courthouse in California Monday to protest against the placement of a murderous male transsexual in a women’s prison. How often do we hear the propagandists making up narratives about how violent and dangerous so-called “domestic terrorists” (which is really a derogatory term for conservatives) posing a threat to the security of our country? At this point, pretty regularly. But you know what we don’t really…

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