Author: michael

For lack of a better phrase, the “mother” of all drag queens, RuPaul, has officially come out swinging for the fences against new pieces of legislation in states like Tennessee that ban drag shows for kids, making the case that conservatives are just attempting to distract the general public from more important issues facing the country. You know, the same could be said for those pushing this ridiculous pro-drag queen agenda the left is seems to be all about these days. Why do folks like RuPaul and other folks in the drag community so desperately want kids to be present…

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Former NBA legend Charles Barkley decided to take an opportunity to weigh in on the controversial claim that was made concerning the voting process for the professional basketball league’s MVP award made by former player Kendrick Perkins, who stated recently that MVP voters, who happen to mostly be sports writers and broadcasters, prefer white players. And let’s just say Barkley was not on board with the statement. “On ESPN’s ‘First Take’ earlier this week, Perkins noted to hosts Stephen A. Smith and Molly Qerim and former player JJ Redick that the vast majority of MVP voters are white. Perkins then…

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Whoopi Goldber, co-host of The View, sounded off during a segment of the program on Tuesday, stating that Fox News host Tucker Carlson was ripping a page straight out of George Orwell’s classic dystopian tale, 1984, for his coverage of the new footage released in the January 6 Capitol riot. Because the left has never, ever, in the history of the movement, attempted to rewrite the past. Insert an eye roll here if you wouldn’t mind. According to Breitbart, Goldberg said, “Last night, Tucker Carlson took a page from George Orwell’s 1984 and told his viewers to reject the evidence…

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According to a shocking new report that was obtained by news outlet Politico on Monday, the Department of Homeland Security has been operating a “shady” covert domestic intelligence program for years now that an employee is claiming “runs like a corrupt government.” Give the fact we found out the National Security Agency spied on U.S. citizens under the Prism program years ago, it’s definitely feasible this is actually happening. “The DHS program, called the Overt Human Intelligence Collection Program, operates out of the agency’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis. For years, the program has granted officials the ability to bypass…

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Professor Angel Jones who “teaches” — more like “indoctrinates” — students at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville has now called for black staff members to receive time off so they can all cope with the “trauma” they’ve had to endure because of systemic racism. In other words, these individuals want to have receive special treatment because of their skin color, not being treated as equal to all other people regardless of race, but to be a protected class with more rights than the rest of us. Anyone else really getting sick of this garbage? Also, think twice before sending your children…

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Rebecca Kiessling, a mother who lost two of her sons to the fentanyl epidemic that has been ripping our country apart and costing a number of lives due to the fact that the current administration has done absolutely nothing to curb the crisis at the southern border, which is where a lot of this deadly drug is coming from, ripped into President Joe Biden after he giggled while mentioning her dead sons. How unprofessional can you be as the commander-in-chief of the United States than to laugh when mentioning someone’s dead children? This man is not fit for duty physically,…

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One of the biggest, most important hot button topics of the day is without a doubt parental rights in education. Schools are no longer institutions that prepare children to be fully functioning adults and contributors to society. Instead, they have become indoctrination centers where progressives are given curriculum designed to normalize sexually deviant practices at younger and younger ages. The federal government, through the Department of Education, is transforming children into liberal robots and attempting to subvert the values they are taught by their parents at home. Thus, over the course of the last several years, there has been a…

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Another commercial airliner was almost involved in a collision, which is reportedly the fourth near miss that has happened since December, according to a report from the Associated Press. The AP went on to cite information from the Federal Aviation Administration, issued a report that said a JetBlue pilot was forced to take “evasive action” on Monday while trying to land at Boston’s Logan International Airport as another plane crossed an intersecting runway. ” The pilot of a Learjet 60 took off without clearance around 7 p.m. as the JetBlue flight was preparing to land, the outlet said, citing the…

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Rep. Darrell Issa, a California Republican and top Congressional investigator, is now calling for whistleblowers come forward after an Israeli think-tank executive who allegedly served with President Joe Biden’s son Hunter as an adviser to a Chinese energy company, was arrested. It’s also been claimed this individual is in possession of documents that contain financial links between Biden and the company. “Gal Luft, co-director of the D.C.-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security and specialist in energy security and U.S.-China relations, was arrested in Cyprus on an Interpol arrest warrant against him on suspicion of arms trafficking to Libya…

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At the height of the battle between the Florida state legislature and the Walt Disney Company concerning an education bill that many radical leftists incorrectly referred to as the “Don’t say gay bill,” Disney’s former CEO who headed up the company at the time, called Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and complained that he was facing “pressure” from liberals. According to a report from Fox News, “DeSantis recounts the conversation in a chapter of his new memoir, ‘The Courage to be Free: Florida’s Blueprint for American Revival,’ which will be released Tuesday by publisher HarperCollins. The chapter, shared exclusively with Fox…

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Comedic actor Ben Stiller had the perfect response concerning whether or not he’s sorry for making the classic Hollywood satire film, “Tropic Thunder,” where fellow thespian — that’s “thespian” not “lesbian” — Robert Downey Jr. plays the role of a method actor who undergoes skin darkening and other physical alterations to play a black soldier in a movie within a movie. His answer was sheer perfection. The actor said he has zero regrets about the film and even took to Twitter to share his resolve on the topic this week after a fan made the claim that he had been…

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Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg finally decided to grace the folks of East Palestine with his presence on Thursday, almost three full weeks after a fiery train derailment and the subsequent release of harmful, toxic chemicals into the surrounding area, though he did refuse to answer key questions asked by reporters due to the presence of cameras. Gee, wonder what he’s afraid of saying on camera? Guess he doesn’t want to slip up and let something out of the bag that he’s not supposed to, huh? “This morning I’m in East Palestine, Ohio, to see the site of the Norfolk Southern…

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Former President Donald Trump took an opportunity this week to completely smash on the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other federal law enforcement agencies, saying they have been weaponized against the American people. If there is anyone who would know about this particular topic, it’s Trump, who has experienced this weaponization first hand. The FBI is now being used as a tool to try and silence the left’s opposition, a prospect that should terrify Americans who love their freedom. “It’s totally been weaponized with these prosecutors,” Trump went on to say Monday on the “Just the News, No Noise” TV…

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Hollywood actor and obnoxious radical leftist Alec Baldwin is now no longer facing a potential five-year prison sentence after prosecutors in New Mexico decided to downgrade the charges against him last Friday. Unbelievable. It really is true. If you are rich and famous you can practically get away with anything. This man deserves that full five years in jail for his negligence which cost a woman her life. “Court documents show Alec Baldwin and Rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed will only be charged with involuntary manslaughter without a firearm enhancement charge. The enhancement carried a maximum five-year prison sentence, according to multiple…

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A brand new poll from the folks over at Pew Research dated for February 2023 has shockingly revealed that over two-thirds of black Americans believe, like everyone else who has half a brain and isn’t scared to death of the liberal cancel culture mob, that gender is “determined by the sex assigned at birth.” Isn’t it sad we now need polls to find out if people still believe truths that were once taught in fundamental biology classes in junior high and high school? Liberalism has truly led to the dumbing down of modern society. Congratulations on that by the way.…

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You know things are looking bleak for President Joe Biden when even the establishment media hacks are starting to question his viability as the 2024 presidential nominee for the Democratic Party. Most of the time, the incumbent president is just assumed to be the party’s nominee, but that doesn’t appear to be the case here. And some of that is due to the really poor performance of the current administration. Oh and the fact Joe Biden is older than dirt. The issues with the president were brought up on the same day he’s set to undergo a physical examination, according…

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In the aftermath of  a shooting that left three Michigan University students dead and several others injured on Monday evening, Democrats in the state are pushing for aggressive new gun control laws. As they usually do, right? Well, the problem with this, aside from these laws violating the Second Amendment, is they aren’t going to be anymore effective than the laws Michigan already has on the books. How do we know? Because the reason the shooter had a gun was because a Democrat district attorney dropped a previous felony gun charge, which would have prevented him from owning a firearm.…

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A woman from Missouri has now been taken into custody after officials claim she sent out another message threatening to blow up a local church. Folks, there are a lot of mentally unstable individuals out there in our world right now, and it seems the vast majority of them have some sort of demonically inspired hatred for Christians and the religion of Jesus Christ. What’s up with that? According to TheBlaze, “On January 26, an employee with Grace Life Church in Pevely, Missouri — located along the Mississippi River about 30 miles south of St. Louis — received a disturbing…

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The California Senate is now considering a piece of legislation that would ban schools from being able to suspend unruly students — you know the type, the hard cases who disrupt class, get into fights, and refuse to submit to authority — stating that, essentially, suspensions are racist because they disproportionately impact black male students. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. This is utter horse manure. And you know what? You’re absolutely correct. This is a case of taking behavioral issues and turning them into a race issue. According to TheBlaze, the proposed ban on accountability for kids who run…

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Whoopi Goldberg, co-host of “The View,” stated during an episode of the program on Thursday that Republican governors are trying to erase black history month and black people in general. Is there ever a day that goes by that radicals like Whoopi don’t turn anything and everything into a discussion about race and racism? If you believe these people, we’re basically living back in the Jim Crow era. It’s absurd. During the show, Goldberg said, “One of the things I realized yesterday is all these folks are of a certain age. Sarah Sanders, DeSantis they all learned about black history.…

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A Republican councilman from New Jersey is now dead, having been shot to death in what is alleged to be a murder-suicide. This is the second Republican council person to be shot dead over the course of the last several weeks, which seems really, really weird, though there doesn’t, as of now, appear to be a connection between the two cases. “At approximately 7 a.m. on Wednesday, police received several reports of a shooting in the parking lot of a local PSE&G, a major gas and electricity provider. When police arrived at the PSE&G in Somerset, New Jersey, about 30…

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Vanessa Pappas, chief operating officer of TikTok identifies as “pansexual” and as “both a woman and non-binary” and utilizes “both they/them and she/her” pronouns, according to an announcement made on social media. Man, look at this swirling mess of confusion. This is insane. How can someone identify as a woman and as non-binary? These two things conflict with each other. And as if that’s not enough, she uses four different pronouns. It blows my mind that people can look at this and not clearly see that mental illness is at work here. It’s maddening and also heartbreaking to know that…

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Westminster College, an educational institution located in Utah, is now offering students a two-credit course called…wait for a it….”How to Be a B*tch.” Of course the actual title of the class contains the full expletive, but this is a family show, so we’ll just bleep that right out for y’all. Just one of the many wonderful services we offer our readers here at My Patriot Post. You’re welcome, America. “(Re)framing the Realities of Women in Leadership What does the media teach us about women (or gender) and leadership, aggression and behavior? What does interpersonal and organizational communication teach us? Why…

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Just when you think the Biden administration can’t get any dumber, that there’s no possible way they can make even worse decisions than those they have already made, Crazy Uncle Joe pops up at the pool party sporting shades, a smile that would be the envy of sexual predators all across the nation, and says, “Hold my beer.” What have they done now? How about releasing a high-profile member of terror group al Qaeda who was a direct subordinate to the senior planner of the egregious and horrific 9/11 attacks back in 2001 from Guantanamo Bay? Several other members who…

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Former President Donald Trump did an interview on Thursday with radio host Hugh Hewitt, where he addressed rumored reports that former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley sought to be nominated as his vice presidential running mate back in 2020. Trump wouldn’t come out and address the question head-on, but did say he didn’t want to embarrass Haley, who he referred to as being “overly ambitious.” This seems to be one of those cases where refusing to come out and provide an answer to a question is more or less answering the question. And the fact that he called her overly…

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A university in New York is now planning to force all incoming freshman students to take a course on “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice” or else they will not be able to graduate. If you don’t think the main mission of this university and many others in our country is the completion of indoctrination progressives start in kindergarten, this should prove otherwise. The members who make up the State University of New York, or SUNY, Board of Trustees have now made it mandatory to take these DEISJ courses for freshmen who attend the school starting later this year. “This…

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A man from the state of Iowa who requested pictures and sent images to underage girls through the social media app Snapchat has been handed his fate, and to be honest, he’s getting off way, way too easy. The man, Jacob John Preuschl, 28, from the city of North Liberty, was sentenced to 25 years in prison on charges of production of child pornography and the transfer of obscene material to minors. This man is absolutely disgusting in every possible way. If this were a just world, Preuschl would probably get a much more severe punishment. Like death for example.…

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Dana Bash, anchor for everyone’s least favorite fake news network, CNN, actually did her job as a journalist on Sunday, confronting the deplorable California Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff concerning allegations he politicized intelligence information when he was the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Which he absolutely did, using his political power and position to launch an assault on President Donald Trump as a means of trying to get him removed from office, simply because his political beliefs were different from his own. And that’s the kind of people we are currently up against. Those of low — or no…

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Sen. Marco Rubio, a Republican from the great state of Florida, has sent letter over to Pfizer, one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world and a mass producer of the coronavirus vaccine, demanding answers to serious questions that were raised through a new video from Project Veritas this week that allegedly shows an official who works for the company making the claim they were involved  in controversial research that was related to the vaccine. “The 10-minute video, which has been viewed nearly 20 million times, shows a man identified as Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer’s director of research and…

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The ladies of “The View,” arguable the worst daytime talk show in the history of television, turned into a shouting match on Thursday as the co-hosts of the program got into a rather heated debate concerning red flag laws and whether or not they are actually a good idea and if they are effective. I mean, I don’t think, at this point, any sort of gun control law really needs to be debated. They’ve all failed time and time again, which just goes to show that any person who is under the delusion that more laws are the right solution…

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