Author: michael

Freshly inaugurated Arizona Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs is not exactly off to a great start with her new administration after she had a giggle fit while being sworn-in, questions concerning her inauguration donations, and a walkout during the first speech she gave to the state Legislature by various lawmakers who are preparing to sue her. This definitely is not a good look for someone just getting started in a new political position, especially when it’s a high office like governor. According to Just the News, Hobbs was officially sworn into office on Jan.2 during a very brief ceremony that was…

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According to a report by Fox News, there are now multiple House Democrats who are pushing, yet again, for reparations and a national apology for the evil of slavery, which our country left behind a long, long time ago, seemingly proving that the only thing that matters to the left is ensuring they can chain up minorities to their party and use them as a means of not only keeping the current level of power they enjoy, but gaining more. Greed isn’t only about money, you know. A piece published by Breitbart said that the group has reintroduced a bill…

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Radical left-winger Joy Behar, one of the co-hosts of ABC’s “The View,” told the other co-hosts on the program that President Joe Biden should be given the “benefit of the doubt” concerning classified documents that were discovered in his office while former President Donald Trump should be raked over the coals over the same kind of information found at his Florida estate. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what hypocrisy looks like. Behar and other Democrats who are of the same kind of mind have a clear double standard, one that applies only to their political enemies and not to those…

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Pop star Kaya Jones, former singer with the Pussycat Dolls, has revealed that she’s had three abortions in the past and regrets every single one of them. She then went on to add that her experiences with this horrific procedure have been “painful beyond measure,” noting that you “never get over it.” This is a message every woman considering abortion in this country absolutely needs to hear. More women with this kind of platform who share this point of view need to speak up and help prevent the murder of the preborn. “It is something that you will live with…

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Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott went totally Super Saiyan (that one is for you Dragon Ball Z fans out there) on President Joe Biden during his visit to El Paso over the weekend to take a peak at the border crisis, which his garbage immigration policies caused. It seems pretty clear that Abbott has been waiting a long, long time to rip into the president face-to-face over his failure to do the job of the executive branch and enforce the immigration laws we have on the books in order to bring this crisis to an end. According to The Daily…

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The South Carolina Supreme Court made a ruling Thursday that says the State Constitution does include a right for women to slaughter their pre-born children inside the womb, overturning a ban the state legislature had placed on the heinous procedure after six weeks of pregnancy. Again, we’ve been made privy to the truth about how blood thirsty the radical left in this country really is. “We hold that the decision to terminate a pregnancy rests upon the utmost personal and private considerations imaginable, and implicates a woman’s right to privacy,” Justice Kaye G. Hearn wrote in the ruling. “While this…

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Welp, I can fully attest to the  indisputable fact that there is no such thing as Santa Claus, because I did not get what I asked for this year. All I wanted under the Christmas tree was for Joy Behar, co-host of “The View” to remain silent from now until eternity. It’s a simple, small request. The fact I didn’t get it is proof Santa is all just a bunch of baloney. So what is Behar blowing her mouth off about this time? Well, according to TheBlaze, she’s absolutely livid with “heterosexual men,” and “conservatives,” for daring to put their…

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In the latest “Twitter Files” drop from journalist Matt Taibbi, which hit the public on Tuesday, new information emerged concerning a top Democrat from California, the man we all know as Rep. Adam “Shifty” Schiff, and his attempt to get an investigative journalist removed from the social media platform during the height of the coronavirus pandemic. In a fairly lengthy Twitter thread published by Taibbi, Schiff, or his office, wanted to see journalist Paul Sperry taken off the platform for apparently sharing information and several reports that went against the official narrative being pushed concerning COVID-19, the vaccine, and other…

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Conservative powerhouse Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida and his administration are now expanding investigations into several drag queen shows that were held at various venues across his state over the course of the holiday season after reports emerged that many of them were wildly inappropriate and possibly illegal, due to underage kids being present in the audience. Local Florida news network WFLA reported late last week that the GOP governor’s administration announced they would be launching this investigation after reports were submitted which alleged these performances exposed children to sexually explicit materials. The announcement came just ahead of other scheduled…

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President Joe Biden refuses to speak openly and freely while in the presence of his Secret Service detail, you know, the individuals who are tasked with protecting him and his family from physical harm, due to the fact they are white Southerners, a new book claims. Just when you thought Biden couldn’t possibly get more ridiculous, right? This guy’s brain is nothing more than a bag of cats. The book, titled, “The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden’s White House,” writer Chris Whipple says that the Secret Service is “is full of white ex-cops from the South who tend…

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Blue states, that is, states that are under the control of Democratic Party politicians and leadership, are going to find themselves facing a very big, uphill battle come 2024, thanks to the crisis at the southern border that continues to go unaddressed by the Biden administrations. The situation in this region of the nation has now become the greatest failure of President Joe Biden’s tenure in office. And since Biden refuses to even acknowledge this crisis is happening, it is going to cost other members of his party “bigly” when it comes time for the 2024 presidential election. Maybe more…

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The House Select Committee that has been investigating the riot that took place on January 6th, 2021, has informed former President Donald Trump that is no longer going to seek out his testimony, formally revoking its own subpoena. You can guarantee this is making Trump very, very happy, especially since he has been gearing up for his 2024 presidential campaign, announced last month. “In light of the imminent end of our investigation, the Select Committee can no longer pursue the specific information covered by the subpoena,” committee chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., went on to write to Trump’s legal team,…

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Vice President Kamala Harris is taking a lot of heat this week after shared a video concerning her personal beliefs on social media, which should probably not come as a surprise as she’s known to be a magnet for controversy. For those who might not be familiar with Kwanzaa, it is a non-denominational celebration of African-American heritage, which kicked off on Monday and runs through January 1. The week-long holiday celebrates a different principle of being a black American each night. And, true to form, Harris found a way to make the observance of Kwanzaa all about her. Because, for…

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A spokesman representing former Vice President Mike Pence has finally responded to an initial report that came out on Monday that stated he had filed to run for the Republican Party presidential nomination in 2024. Devin O’Malley revealed that Pence was not the individual who filed a Statement of Candidacy form with the Federal Election Commission, despite the fact it had his name on it. “Former Vice President Mike Pence did not file to run for President today,” O’Malley stated as a reply to a tweet posted by a reporter who claimed that Pence had officially entered the 2024 presidential…

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Former House Democrat and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, who left the party earlier this year, recently delivered a massive haymaker to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi — metaphorically speaking of course — over concerns concerning her hubby Paul’s stock trading. Let’s face it. Something shady was going on there because no one should go into public service and come out wealthy. Not to mention it seemed as if every time a certain trend would hit the stock market amidst legislation being passed, Paul Pelosi would make a stock deal and come out of it with his pockets stuffed with…

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Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul produced a video that features a reworking of a Christmas classic, taking an opportunity to transform it into a total obliteration of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats. So which classic did he pick to remake? Try “Twas the Night Before Christmas.” “Twas the week before Christmas, and through the Senate and House, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The earmarks were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there. The senators have nestled all snug in their beds,…

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The FBI has finally broken their silence regarding revelations that have surfaced from the publication of the “Twitter Files” concerning the bureau’s involvement with the social media giant by stating it never asked Twitter to “take action” to censor content. Well, you know, given the track record the FBI has for being used as a weapon in the hands of Democrats to attack political opponents, we all have a hard time believing that claim. Not to mention the information in the files that have been released strongly suggest otherwise. “We are providing it so that they can take whatever action…

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A brand new report that was published Tuesday is suggesting there is a possibility that New York Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez might be looking at some very serious legal trouble after being referred to the House Ethics Committee earlier in the month, though, as of now, it is not clear whether or not she is about to be charged with a crime. Given the previous times she’s been found to be in violation of the law, it wouldn’t surprise me to see AOC land behind bars. The corruption within the deep left section of the Democratic Party is out of…

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Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake’s challenge of the results from the midterms held just last month is now heading to a trial after a judge who heard the case refused to dismiss it, allowing it to continue moving forward. There has been a lot of chit-chat about what happened during the actual election in the area of Maricopa County after it experienced a number of machine issues that some, including Lake, believe disenfranchised voters who showed up to cast a ballot. “The Arizona Republican lost her gubernatorial bid to Democratic Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, but has since alleged…

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As things get a bit heated in the race to see who will end up serving as the next Speaker of the House when Republicans take over the lower chamber of Congress next month, there’s another race for a highly coveted leadership position within the GOP that isn’t getting quite as much attention. That would be the race for who will be the next chair of the Republican National Committee. And, as usual, both of the individuals currently up for the role are coveting to have the endorsement of the most influential person within the party, former President Donald Trump.…

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Former President Donald Trump sat down for an interview with the folks over at Breitbart News on Friday, where he stated that if the GOP wants to nab major, important victories in the future, they must engage and fight with the Democrats on mail-in voting and ballot harvesting by adopting their own tactics against them. Trump said Republicans have “no choice” but to “live with a system that stinks” for right now until they can regain power and make necessary changes to improve the situation. However, it’s important to point out that the former president still thinks there needs to…

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The one thing we have heard over and over again from the radical left, including President Joe Biden, is that many of the individuals who support former President Donald Trump are right-wing extremists who want to overthrow the government. Of course, there’s little to no evidence in existence to support such an absurd statement, but it’s all part of the narrative weaving the Democrats are doing to cause complete and total division among the American people. But when folks bring up the violent members of radical progressive groups like Antifa, who have routinely engaged in acts of legitimate terrorism, such…

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WNBA star Brittney Griner made her first public statements since returning to the United States in a prisoner swap with Russia, going on to thank all of those who were involved in helping her to make it through the almost 10 month long ordeal before going on to say she has faith that President Joe Biden will also bring home former marine Paul Whelan. “It feels so good to be home!” Griner said on her Instagram page. “I dug deep to keep my faith and it was the love from so many of you that helped keep me going. From…

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Whoopi Goldberg, former actress and comedian from Star Trek: The Next Generation, Sister Act, and many other projects, has said a long, long list of crazy stuff ever since she started her co-hosting gig on The View back in the ancient days of the dinosaurs, but her latest meltdown over GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene certainly takes the taco. Apparently, according to the Conservative Brief, Goldberg, a communist-in-training, wants to see Greene tossed in the gulag for a recent quip that she made. Man, the radical left is getting bolder and bolder, aren’t they? Saying something like this would’ve garnered…

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The man who attacked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer apparently had a much longer list of victims he wanted to unleash his wrath upon, which happened to include a very famous Oscar winning actor. Yeah, this guy was most definitely not playing with a full deck of cards. Still, there’s something a bit odd about the whole scenario with Paul Pelosi that doesn’t quite add up. The Daily Wire is reported that San Francisco Police Sgt. Carla Hurley, who interviewed suspect David DePape not long after he was detained, revealed that his list also included California Gov.…

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California Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who serves as the chair of the House Financial Services Committee, got into a verbal sparring match with a GOP lawmaker during a hearing that took place on Tuesday as her panel leadership begins to draw to a close. I can’t speak for everyone else, but I will be glad to see her gone from that position. The hearing was put together in order to talk about the recent collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange known as FTX, which ended up costing its customers billions of dollars. Sam Bankman-Fried, the former CEO, was scheduled to deliver…

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You’d think by now liberals both in the government and in Hollywood would have figured out that Americans are sick and tired of getting preached to when ever they go to the movie theater, as every film that seems to come out is just a bunch of woke talking points and every cast nothing more than diversity hires. These movies rarely ever make money. In fact, most of them flop. Ask Disney. The last few films they have put out, particularly the animated ones, have failed to produce a profit. This is a lesson that diehard progressive Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,…

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When it comes to responses to the trade of Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout, who is known as the “Merchant of Death,” for professional WNBA star Brittney Griner in a prisoner exchange, former President Donald Trump’s comments are far superior to Biden’s decision. “I turned down a deal with Russia for a one on one swap of the so-called Merchant of Death for Paul Whelan,” Trump stated in a post published Sunday on Truth Social. The Western Journal explained, “Whelan is a retired Marine who has been imprisoned in a Russian labor camp since 2018 on dubious espionage charges that…

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A panel on Fox News tore Transportation Secretary and climate enthusiast Pete Buttigieg over being a raging left-wing hypocrite after learning that he was not only regularly employing the use of a private plane instead of flying commercial, but that he was using the tax dollars of hardworking Americans to pay for his travel. We should be used to seeing the hypocrisy of the Biden administration at this point, and maybe we are, but the one thing we’d all love to see that there’s little chance of seeing, is people like Buttigieg — man, what an awful last name –…

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An independent cybersecurity data analyst who is currently working with top officials at Twitter has revealed that accounts posting content that allegedly sexually exploited children was getting more than ten million views on the social media platform under its previous ownership. This is so horrifying. Children being abused and exploited were slapped all over Twitter and those who were in charge didn’t seem to be doing a whole lot about it. The fact this is now changing under Elon Musk is reason enough to celebrate his taking over the company. According to The Daily Wire, Andrea Stroppa, who founded cybersecurity…

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